About UCFS

For over 145 years, UCFS has embraced life and faced challenges that were a reflection of the community we serve. We continue to focus our resources on areas of greatest need; build partnerships when demand is beyond our capacity to fulfill alone and have had a lasting impact on thousands of lives that entrust us to provide quality and compassionate care. UCFS is an organization that is designed to change, adjust and meet the needs of the communities we serve. We are proud to provide the following programs and services:

  • Adult and Pediatric Primary Medical Care
  • Women’s Health Services
  • Geriatric Assessment & Management Program
  • Dental Services
  • Outpatient Behavioral Health Services
  • Community Based Behavioral Health Services
  • Community Outreach Services
  • Eldercare Services


UCFS Healthcare strives to eliminate health disparities and improve the health and well-being of the community.


UCFS Healthcare, by performance, reputation, and partnership, will be Eastern CT’s best choice for patient-centered health care.



    We strive to meet the needs of the community and the expectations of our patients and clients and our colleagues in the most accessible and timely ways possible. We individualize our services to ensure that each person has their specific needs met and goals achieved.


    We treat everyone with respect and dignity. We meet each client where they are, providing culturally sensitive and linguistically appropriate services while protecting their privacy.


    We are fiscally and professionally accountable.


    We work as a team within our organization and partner with the community.


    We provide the highest quality of service and strive to provide leading-edge and innovative models to best serve patients and clients


    We stand with and for patients, clients, our organization, and the community to ensure that resources, policies, and practices best meet the needs of all who live here.

Board of Directors

Deborah (Deb) Kievits, Chair
Adam Sulik, First Vice Chair
Nicholas (Nick) Caplanson, Director at Large
Abby Dolliver, Secretary
Caroline (Cari) Fortin, Treasurer
Lee-Ann Gomes, Immediate Past Chair

Cynthia (Cyndi) Beauregard
Irene Bessette
Bobbie Braboy
Brian Clinton
Connie Hilbert
Erika Lorange
Meg E. Martellotta
Dr. Robert Strick
Jocelyn Williams

Senior Management

Jennifer Granger

Cara Westcott
Chief Operating Officer

Frank Meaney
Chief Financial Officer

Ramindra Walia, MD
Chief Medical Officer

Carolyn (Cary) Trantalis
Vice President of Eldercare Services

Jennifer Bevacqua
Vice President of People

Pamela Allen Kinder
Vice President of Business Development

Sam Robinson
Vice President of Behavioral Health

Sharon Laliberte
Compliance Officer